562-698-8301 info@procareer.org

Tech Sales Program Frequently Asked Questions

Tech Sales Program Frequently Asked Questions

Tech Sales Program – Student FAQs

Q. What do Tech Sales Professionals do?

A.Technology Sales Professionals typically start as Business Development Representatives working for software-as-a-service (SAAS) companies to educate their customers, clarify their needs, demonstrate how software features will solve their business problems and ultimately make the sale.

Q. What are the admission requirements for the Tech Sales Program?

A. To enroll in the Tech Sales Program, you must have a BS degree in any field with at least 6 months of sales experience. Additionally, you must be authorized to work in the US and have basic computer skills (Web search, Email etiquette, Google Docs & Google Sheets). You will need to pass an online writing and analytical skills test to proceed to the next step. We arrange interviews with future employers. They must select you for you to get admitted to the program.

Q. Why do I need to have prior sales experience?

A. The employer partners who we work with (the companies who will eventually hire you), have found that program applicants who have prior sales experience have a higher degree of success as Tech Sales Professionals. If you do not already have six months of direct sales experience, we recommend that you reach out to us after gaining that experience.

Q. How long is the class and what is the class schedule?

A. The five-week class is conducted according to two different schedules. Full Time Schedule is  8am – 4:30pm, Mondays through Fridays. Part Time Schedule is 6pm – 10pm Mondays through Thursdays AND 8am – 4:30pm Saturdays and Sundays.

Q. Will I receive a certificate after completing my Tech Sales Program?
A. Yes, you will receive a Certificate of Completion form the school which is a proof of the program completion.
Q. Since the class is online, can I do it whenever I want to?

A. No. Our Tech Sales Program is a Live, In-person, Online class. You are required to log in during class hours, turn on your camera and actively participate in the class (especially for the hands-on sales sctivities), just like an in-person class.

Q. What do I need to attend the class online? What are the system requirements?
A. You need an Internet connection and a computer/laptop with a webcam, microphone and speakers to attend class. You will also need a GMail ID.
Q. Can I attend using my phone, since I do not have a computer?
A. While it is possible to attend class using your phone, for best experience, we highly recommend that you use a computer or a tablet.
Q. Do you have any source of tuition assistance for the students?

A. Yes, we work closely with empoyers who are in need of Tech Sales Professionals and have agreed to fund your education in return for you working for them for a year. Here is how the process works: 

 – You need to pass an online writing and analytical skills test to proceed further.
 – Next, we arrange interviews with future employers. They must select you for you to get admitted to the program.
 – You complete the five-week program and start working. Your employer pays us your training fee.

Q. If I get my tuition funded by my future employer, will I have to pay the school any money after I start working?

A. No. Employer-funded students do not have to pay the tuition fee to the school. However, in return for the free tuition, you are required to work full time, for one year, with that employer. The school is not hiring you – we are only referring you to interested employers for placement. Your salary is yours to keep.

Q. What is your placement rate? Will I get a job after I finish the course? Do you give a job guarantee?

A. The vocational school landscape is littered with schools who over-promise and under-deliver on the job placement metric. We have chosen to turn that challenge on its head. Therefore, after you have successfully passed the writing assessment and the analytical skills test, we arrange your interviews with prospective employers. You have to work hard to do well in the interviews and get selected by your future employer in order to get admitted into the program. While the school cannot guarantee job placement, we work hard to find employment for our students. We are committed to your success, but ultimately you have to succeed in the interview.

Q. I am already working a full time job. Can I still qualify for the program?

A. This program’s main goal is to help currently working sales professionals gain an entry into the world of Technology Sales. As long as you meet the admissions criteria and successfully clear the interview and get selected by your future employer, you can participate in the program. Since we have students who are currently working, we offer the class in the evenings and weekends schedule.

Q. Is your program Part-time or Full-time?

A. We offer the five-week program in both Full-time (8am – 4:30pm, Mondays through Fridays) and Part-time (6pm – 10pm Mondays through Thursdays AND 8am – 4:30pm Saturdays and Sundays) schedules. Since we have some students who are currently working, we offer the class in the parti-time schedule to make it convenient for them.

Q. If I do not want to use the employer-funded option, can I pay the fee and take the class?

A. Yes, you can. Please send us an email at info@procareer.org or call us at 562-698-8301 to discuss the course fee and payment options.

Q. If I do not get selected, can I apply again?

A. Yes, you can. You need to wait for six months, gain more experience and re-apply. 

Q. Will you be able to assist with obtaining a student or work visa?

A. Per the requirements of our employer partners, you have to be authorized to work in the US. We cannot assist you to obtain a student or immigrant visa.

Tech Sales Program – Employer FAQs

Q. So is Procareer Academy a headhunter then?

A: No. As you are aware, headhunters are contractors hired to search for qualified candidates on their client’s behalf. They usually poach from one company to place at another, with no value added in the process. Our mission is to up-skill current sales persons to increase the total pool of Tech Sales workers. Our goal is to benefit both the employers and the workers.

Q. Can you give us a sample Tuition Assistance & Repayment Contract?

A: Yes, we will be happy to do so. However, we are not in a position to offer any legal advice and take no responsibility regarding its content. We strongly suggest you to have your lawyer review it before you use it.

Q. What if the employee leaves the company before the term of the contract?

A: We urge our employer partners to conduct proper due diligence prior to making a job offer to the candidate. If the employee still leaves the company prior to the agreed upon employment period, then the company should enforce the contract.

Q. We see that your school has other programs that are funded by the government. Is it possible for the government to pay for the Tech Sales program?

A. Unfortunatelt, at the present time, government funding is not avaialble for the Tech Sales program. It is being offered as an Employer sponsored training program only.

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