562-698-8301 info@procareer.org

Our Tech Programs Frequently Asked Questions

Our Tech Programs Frequently Asked Questions

Full Stack Development – Student FAQs

Q. What does a Full Stack Developer do?

A. A full-stack software developer writes code not only for the user’s front-end web applications or mobile applications, but they’re also writing API code that sits in the middle, they’re writing server code that sits in the back, and they’re also connecting and communicating with databases. Essentially a full-stack developer does both front-end and back-end development. But that’s not all. They also understand how those pieces work together, and they’re able to create the communication and integration that exists between those two sides.

Q. Why do I need a High School Diploma/GED to be considered for the program?
A. The funding agency has done an extensive study and found strong correlation between the educational qualifications of incoming students and their ability to learn coding, become proficient to acceptable industry standards and be able to find employment as entry level software developers.
Q. What is the Analytical Skills test and why is it a requirement to get admitted to the program?
A.You will need to complete a multiple-choice critical thinking and problem-solving assessment. This is your chance to show us your logic-based skills. No prior industry experience is required to complete the assessment. If you pass the analytical assessment you are able to move forward with the next step.
Q. Do I need prior coding experience to take this class?

A. Prior coding experience is not an absolute requirement, although it helps if you have been exposed to some programming in the past. To help those who have not done any programming before as well as to level set all program applicants, we have put in place a mandatory free 48 hour class on Python Programming. All students have to pass this class in order to continue further in the program.

Q. I already know programming. Why do I need to take the Python Programming module?

A. First of all, there is no cost for the 48 hour Python Programming module. The government funding agency that is paying for your education wants to ensure that you are serious about attending the class, finishing it and finding employment. They base their decision to fund your education on your performance in the Python module. Furthermore, it helps us set a baseline of programming expertise for all students. If you already know programming, it is a good refresher for you!

Q. Am I guaranteed funding if I do well in the Python Programming module?

A. Although we have trained thousands of students under government funded programs since 2003, we cannot guarantee that you will receive the funding because the funding office has their own criteria for awarding the grant. We will work closely with you to assist you with the application process at the funding office. Of course you have to be responsive and diligent to the request for information from the government office to increase your chances of getting funded. We are motivated to see you get the funding because it is in our interest too, to train you, place you in a job and earn your tuition fee.

Q. What happens if I do not do well in the Python Programming module?
A. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept you into the program. We suggest that you spend extra time on your own to learn basic programming using freely available resources on the Internet and re-apply for the program after six months.
Q. What if I discover that I don't like computer programming?

A. That’s fine! Our free Python Programming module is the best way to find out if coding and software development is the right choice for you. It will help you make an educated and confident decision about your future.

Q. Is the course syllabus up to date per industry requirements?
A. As active software engineers, our instructors constantly update the curriculum with modern frameworks, methodologies, and technologies with periodic input from the employers. 
Q. How is your program different from the rest?
A. While there are dozens of Full Stack Development Programs out there, we are the only one which makes it possible to take it for free under government funding. Additionally, the program is highly interactive with live instructors and teaching assistants available to help you succeed. Lastly, we have a career services department dedicated to create employment opportunities for our students. After all, we do not earn the tuition fee unless you are placed in a job. While we work hard to get you placed, per state regulations, we cannot guarantee that you will get a job.
Q. Will I receive a certificate after completing the Full Stack Developer program?
A. Yes, you will receive a Certificate from the school which is a proof of the program completion.
Q. Since the class is online, can I do it whenever I want to?
A. No. Our Full Stack Developer Class is a Live, In-person, Online class. You are required to log in during class hours, turn on your camera and actively participate in the class, just like an in-person class.
Q. How can I make up if I miss a class lecture?

A. We can provide a link for the recorded class session. However, you need to present to us a genuine reason for your absence. Since bulk of the learning happens when you actively code during the class, it is important to attend the class live. If you repeatedly miss class, that is grounds for dismissal from the class.

Q. What do I need to attend the class online?
A. You need an Internet connection and a computer/laptop (Windows or Mac, 8GM RAM, 50GB HD minimum) with a webcam, microphone and speakers to attend class. You will also need a GMail ID. 
Q. I live outside California. Can I get government funding to take the class for free?

A. Unfortunately, at the present time, the government funded Full Stack Development program is open only to California residents. Please fill out this form and we can discuss other options with you. 

Q. Do you accept International Students?

A. Since the class is conducted online, yes, you may enroll in it. Please note that International students are not eligible for government funded free tuition and you will have to pay for the class out of pocket. Furthermore, your ability to work in the US is determined by your citizenship/immigration status and we cannot assist you in any way with that.

Q. How long does your Full Stack Developer program take?

A. The 400 hour long program typically takes 18 weeks to finish. 

Q. How soon can I get a job?

A. Our Career Services staff will assist you with resume preparation, job search and mock technical interviews during the second half of the class. We are highly motivtaed to get you working soon after you finish the class because our job placement performance determines future participation in the government funded program. Due to State regulations, we cannot guarantee that you will get a job.

Q. Who is going to be my employer?
A. While the school cannot guarantee job placement, we work hard to find employment for our students. While we facilitate your employment, you ultimately decide who you want to work for and the pay rate you will accept. Besides our efforts to place you, we also encouraged you to apply to companies of your choice to speed up the process.
Q. Which documents do I need to submit to avail the government funding?

A. The documents we need to see before we can refer you to the funding agency are:
– State issued Drivers License/ID (required for proof of age and residency),
– Copy of your Social Security card (required for proof of US work authorization, since H-1B visa holders are ineligible). In the initial stages, when you are applying for the program, for your privacy, you must blank out the first five digits of your SSN. We need to be able to see everything else on the card, including the last 4 digits of your SSN. Later on, when you enroll in the Full Stack Developer course, you will need to enter your full SSN, per State requirements.
– Copy of your High School (or higher) Diploma or transcript.
Do not submit these documents till we ask you for them. We will send you an email with the details on how to securely upload these documents.

Q. I am interested. When can I enroll in the program?
A. We admit students on a rolling basis throughout the year. Click here and fill out the form to get started.
Government Funding FAQs
Q. How can the course be free? Is there a catch?

A. The Full stack Developer course is funded under the WIOA program by the State of California for eligible participants. The WIOA program has existed for several decades now.

Q. Why is the State of California funding the tuition fee for software developers?
A. The State of California wants to close the skills gap and put people into secure long-term jobs in a growing field. That is the reason the State is paying for your education.
Q. What is the source of tuition assistance for Full Stack Developer students?

A. The School has access to State Grants, funded under the WIOA program, by the CA EDD, that allow qualified students to receive tuition-free education, in return for working as a software developer for one year. These grants are very popular and are given on a first-come first-served basis.

Q. If I get my tuition funded under the State grant, will I have to pay it back from my salary after I get a job?
A. No. Grant-funded students do not have to pay back the tuition. However, in return for the free tuition, you are required to work full time, for one year, preferably with the same employer where you are placed. The school is not hiring you – we are only referring you to employers for placement. Your salary is yours to keep.
Q. How long does it take to receive grant-funded tuition assistance?
The school works with multiple grant agencies who take one month (on average) to process the paperwork. We assist you throughout the process. Further, the funding is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, we recommend you to apply as early as possible. Additionally, you need to be persistent and diligent with the funding agency. You need to be prompt in responding to their requests to fill out paperwork and answer any follow-up questions. They deal with hundreds of applicants and if you are unavailable, they will immediately move on to the next serious student.
Q. Will obtaining this grant-funded tuition for the Full Stack class affect my college Financial Aid in any way?
A. No. The grant funding agencies are different from the Title IV/Pell Grant Federal Financial Aid agency. Therefore, there is no impact on any of your Federal Financial Aid.   
Q. What documentation will I have to provide after I start working if I am a recipient of this grant-funded tuition?
A. Since the grant’s main objective is to create a trained workforce, the grant agency uses your employment as the measure of its success. You will need to provide your Offer of Employment and submit paystubs for the first six months as proof of continued employment.
Q. What if I cannot commit to the one year work requirement?

A. This program’s main goal is to create jobs for individuals who want to become software developers and need to work full time. If you cannot commit to the one year work requirement, this program is not for you. You are required to work hard to apply for jobs and attend interviews to secure a full time job. If you fail to prove to the State funding agency that you carried out all the required placement activities, such as resume preparation, creating an online portfolio, apply for available jobs, attending interviews etc, the funding agency may penalize you by preventing you from receiving WIOA funded education in the future. There is no financial penalty such as having to refund the tuition fee to the funding office.

Q. I am a student and I cannot work full time for a year. Can I still get free training?

A. This program’s main goal is to create jobs for individuals who need to work full time. Since you are currently a student, you will be going back to school and not apply for a full time job after the Full Stack class. If you cannot commit to the one year work requirement, this program is not for you. Continue with your enrollment process and we can discuss other payment options at the Online Pre-Enrollment Meeting. Lastly, if you knowingly take advantage of the free tuition and do not comply with the one year work requirement, the State of California funding agency will penalize you by preventing you from obtaining WIOA funded training in the future.

Q. I am already working a full time job. Can I still get free training?
A. This program’s main goal is to create jobs for individuals who are not currently working and need full time jobs. Since you are already working, you may not qualify under this program. However, if you still need the Full Stack Developer class to further your career, talk to your employer about using your company’s Tuition Reimbursement Program.
Q. Does your school accept funding for Veterans under the GI Bill?
A. We are in the process of getting approved to train Veterans under the GI Bill funding. Please fill out this form to let us know of your interest and we will reach out to you when we are ready. 
Full Stack Developer – Employer FAQs
Q: So is Procareer Academy a headhunter or an IT Services company disguised as a Training company?

A: No. As you are aware, headhunters are contractors hired to search for qualified candidates on their client’s behalf. They usually poach from one company to place at another, with no value added in the process. Our mission is to up-skill current unemployed/underemployed graduates to increase the total pool of software workers. Our goal is to benefit both the employers and the workers.

Q: How can we get an idea of their skill level as programmers?

A: As part of their coursework, our graduates prepare GIT portfolios of real-world projects made with HTML, CSS, React and node.js on MERN Stack and take the HackerRank challenge to showcase their skills.

Q: Is the government paying for their education?
A: Yes, under a workforce development program, Procareer Academy is able to train the workers using government funding. It is a performance based program wherein we earn the tuition fee only if the worker is placed in a job.
Q: Can a company up-skill its current employees under this program?
A: This program exists to train and place currently unemployed individuals. We will be happy to discuss your specific training needs. We have helped companies up-skill their employees under a Tuition Assistance & Repayment Contract. Please send us a detailed message with your requirements by filling this form.
Q: Can you give us a sample Tuition Assistance & Repayment Contract?
A: Yes we will be glad to do so. However, we are not in a position to offer any legal advice and take no responsibility regarding its content. We strongly suggest you to have your lawyer review it before you use it.
Q: What if the employee leaves the company before the term of the contract?
A: We urge our employer partners to conduct proper due diligence prior to making a job offer to the candidate. If the employee still leaves the company prior to the agreed upon employment period, then the company should enforce the contract. 
Q: Can we bring your students on-board as interns while they are finishing the program?
A: Absolutely! We highly encourage that. It gives you time to observe them closely while they are learning about your software applications and coding standards. If you can start them off as remote workers during the internship period, It is a low-risk approach for both you and the student. The student can make the move to your location upon getting a job offer at the end of the internship.
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