Office Address

Phone & Fax
Fax: 562-600-3411

Hours of operation: By appointment
Note: Due to the popularity of the free programs, we are unable to answer all incoming calls. Please use extension numbers if you are already dealing with an admissions representative. If we do not immediately answer, please leave a voicemail. Another option is for you to send an email to info@procareer.org. We read ALL incoming emails and respond within 24-48 hours. Please clearly state in the Subject Line of the email what help you need from us. Create a brand new email with a new subject line if you need help with a new matter. Please do not recycle old, unrelated emails. Please help us serve you better.

Office Address

Phone & Fax
Fax: 562-600-3411

Hours of operation: By appointment
Note: Due to the popularity of the free programs, we are unable to answer all incoming calls. Please use extension numbers if you are already dealing with an admissions representative. If we do not immediately answer, please leave a voicemail. Another option is for you to send an email to info@procareer.org. We read ALL incoming emails and respond within 24-48 hours. Please clearly state in the Subject Line of the email what help you need from us. Create a brand new email with a new subject line if you need help with a new matter. Please do not recycle old, unrelated emails. Please help us serve you better.